Present, 2020: Today is Your Year!

Here we are again, the beginning of a new year. The start of a new year is a convenient opportunity to hit the reset button, start fresh, wrap up the past and file it away to make room for the future. 

What if this year though we decided to just live in the present? Do now, and not yesterday or tomorrow. 

What if this year we decided to stop making resolutions and instead set daily intentions

What if this year we decided to stop judging ourselves and instead treat ourselves with constant love and respect? 

What if this year we decided to be mindful, present, patient, and tolerant?

Change starts from within. What is it that you want to do, see, accomplish, feel, change, or improve? What is it that is holding you back from being the best possible embodiment of yourself? 

Sometimes, we focus too much on what’s around us versus what’s inside of us. We get so distracted by technology, media, work, people, and other outside influences that we forget to do the things that make us truly happy. We forget to admire the beauty that is in the world, and we forget to live for today.

We are always two steps ahead. At breakfast, we are thinking about what we are making for dinner. On Monday, we are already thinking about Friday. On New Year’s Eve, we are already planning what we are going to do for the entire upcoming year. This is a good moment to stop, take a deep breath, and realign your priorities and look your dreams straight in the eyes. 

We have this one life to live, and we were put on this earth to live it. Live for now, live for today.

Treat each day like it’s the start of the year. Set your intentions for the day each morning and live that day to the fullest by accomplishing and doing the things that you set out to do. End each day in gratitude and start anew the next. It’s time to slow down. Your health, wellness, and happiness will flourish under less stressful and demanding conditions.

Dedicate today to today. Set your first intention of the year with a smile on your face and a smile on your heart. A positive mind cultivates a positive day. A present mind inspires a fulfilled mind. Today is your year. Your year is today.


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