What is Your Ritual?

Aristotle once declared that “we are what we repeatedly do.” This declaration is our truth. We each have a series of rituals that we perform daily. Many of those rituals are mindlessly incorporated into our daily lives, though. These can include having a cup of coffee before you do anything else in the morning, reading the newspaper on your patio, eating lunch at noon every day, turning on the news when you get home from work, et cetera. In this case, rituals and habits are interchangeable. 

If we are what we repeatedly do, then why not regularly do something that brings meaning and a sense of fulfillment into your life? Our habits can make or break us. Replacing negatives habits with positive rituals can do wonders for your health and happiness. 

Creating a mindful ritual can also significantly improve your sense of self-awareness, self-love, and self-worth. Rituals help us to establish a deeper relationship with our self. They also help us to create a space or time that is dedicated to something that brings us joy, peace, and clarity. Healthy rituals can help us to move in a positive forward direction and improve the quality of our lives, one day at a time.

Dr. Deepika Chopra, a holistic psychologist and manifestation expert, states that “the more we can rely on constants, the more we are able to positively engage in spontaneity.” 

Rituals don’t necessarily need to have a spiritual undertone either; they can involve any practice or activity. Rituals can also be created to include your family or friends; they don’t always need to be something that you do alone. The possibilities are endless and what makes your ritual or rituals so special is that they are unique to you and with whomever, you decide to participate. 

How to create a ritual

Step 1: Establish what you want to bring into your life. 

Do you want to be happier? Healthier? More creative? Do you want to strengthen your physical body? Do you want to find a spiritual connection? Spend more time in nature? Develop a deeper relationship with your family or friends? Do you want to read more? Learn more? Sleep deeper? Learn to quiet your mind? 

By taking the time to think about what you want to manifest consciously, you will be able to create a ritual that suits what you want to bring to fruition. 

Step 2: Create an action-based plan that includes a time and a place. 

Decide when, where, and how often you are going to practice your new ritual. Making a clear and concrete plan for your new ritual will help you stick to it and make it a conscious habit. Your ritual can be as simple or as grand as you want it to be. Maybe it’s just taking a moment every day at sunset to thank the universe for all that she has given you. Or perhaps you want to start each day with a twenty-minute sunrise yoga practice. Maybe it’s making your morning coffee a technology-free time. 

Your ritual is unique to you. 

Step 3: Make a promise to yourself. 

Our lives are full of hustling and bustling. Our days often blend into one another because we are so ingrained in our routines. Incorporating a positive and mindful ritual into your day will help break up the monotony of our other daily habits and tasks. To stick to a new ritual though, you must make a promise to yourself to complete it no matter what. It will take time to turn your new ritual into a mindful habit, but once you do, you won’t be able to imagine your day without it. 

Rituals help bring balance and stability into our lives. There is no limit on the number of rituals that you can create for yourself. The idea is to do something consistently that brings meaning and joy into your life. There is no time like the present to make time for you. 

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