Improve Your Emotional Wellness to Improve Your Overall Wellness

A major component of your individual wellness includes your emotional wellness. We’ve all heard the phrase, “stress kills,” and there is actually a great truth behind this statement. Our mental and emotional state can directly affect our physical state

At Parker Dentistry Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness, we know that the best approach to health is a holistic and preventative approach. Taking care of your emotional wellbeing will benefit more than just your mind, mood, and mental state. 

Your emotional wellbeing is dependent on how you manage your stress levels, how much sleep you regularly get, how organized and productive you are within your professional or studies, the support you receive from your friends, family, and or a therapist, your activity level, and your spiritual wellbeing, among so many other essential elements. 

According to the American Psychological Association, mismanaged stress keeps roughly 40% of adults up at night. Insufficient and restless sleep only further perpetuates stress levels, so this cycle is quite detrimental. Stress has been linked to heart disease, insomnia, depression, anxiety, obesity, headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, the common cold, and even certain types of cancer. 

Most of our everyday lives contain multiple potential stress-causers: work deadlines, pressure from our bosses, family responsibilities, financial obligations, social commitments, unforeseen expenses and events, health issues, and just everyday life tasks. It is a common feeling to feel like there is never enough time in a day. While we are trying to accomplish everything that we feel is important, we often overlook or push to the backburner aspects of our own wellbeing, including our emotional wellbeing. 

While no one’s life is completely void of stress-causing events and situations, those who learn how to manage their stress, prioritize their to-do lists, seek support, and make their emotional wellbeing an important dimension of their overall health and wellness, will be far healthier, happier, and all and all better off. 

Tips for emotional wellbeing

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Seeking therapy doesn’t mean you have failed or are incapable. 
  • Make sleep, a healthy diet, a regular exercise routine, and a little “me-time” a top priority. 
  • Create an obtainable routine. 
  • Pick your battles. 
  • Learn to breathe and meditate. 
  • Journal or make lists before you go to sleep and or in the morning. 
  • Spend more time with the people who bring you the most joy and peace. 
  • Spend more time outdoors and in nature.
  • Accept that no one is perfect, no one can do it all all the time, and that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start!  

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3411 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021

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Cosmetic Dentist in Hollywood, FL


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