22 Random Acts of Kindness

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week! Now, this is a week worth celebrating!

There is no such thing as too much kindness. In fact, the world could definitely use a lot more kindness! And the good news is, being kind is not that hard, and actually good for your health.

Ripple Effect of Kindness

*Thank you, Psychology Today, for the inspiration!

A simple act of kindness can cause a surprisingly vast ripple effect. Compassion and goodwill are contagious, and studies show that random goodwill can incentivize the benefactor to carry out acts of kindness of their own. It is believed that one person’s generous act will spread to three people, and each of those people will affect three more people, and so on and so forth. Quite quickly, a whole lot of kindness is being radiated out into the world stemming from one person's act of kindness. Be the drop that causes the ripple!

Kindness Boomerangs

Kindness and good deeds cause the release of oxytocin (also known as the love hormone). Believe it or not, oxytocin protects the cardiovascular system, works as an antioxidant, and reduces systemic inflammation. Studies have also found that oxytocin can increase wound healing, slow aging, and boost mood. So, it is safe to say that kindness is good for your health!  When you throw kindness out there, it comes back to you, just like a faithful boomerang. 

22 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

*Thank you, Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, for the inspiration!

1. Share your favorite book with someone
2. Have a judgment-free day
3. Acknowledge someone who deserves praise.
4. Smile.
5. Give an unexpected gift.
6. Open a door for someone.
7. Send a thank you note.
8. Ask someone about their day.
9. Write a positive comment online.
10. Share a healthy habit.
11. Say something positive about yourself.
12. Be polite on the road.
13. Leave a generous tip.
14. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store.
15. Befriend the new person in your community.
16. Teach kids kindness.
17. Leave snacks or refreshments for delivery drivers.
18. Put away your phone and listen with your heart.
19. Encourage a friend.
20. Read with a child.
21. Be a friend to a lonely neighbor.
22. Adopt an animal.

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