Summertime When the Living is Easy

There’s nothing better than being a kid on summer vacation. Summertime is synonymous with pool pruned fingers, sun kissed cheeks, “vacation food” like popsicles, ice cream, pizza, fruit juices, and other sugary snacks, and a carefree freedom from school and regular routines. With the change in routine and lackadaisical attitude that often accompanies summer vacation, it is important that everyone keeps to certain routines and safety practices in order to ensure that summertime is full of fun. Sun protection diligence, sports safety practices, and a solid oral hygiene routine are all very important to keep to during the summertime months off from school. The following tips will help ensure that you and your family end this summer with all smiles.

  1. Stock up on healthy summertime snacks and drinks. Summer doesn’t have to be a sugar-thon. As we all know, sugar can wreak havoc on your teeth and general health. Sodas, fruit juices and sports drinks have a mind blowing amount of refined sugar in them. Instead of keeping those types of drinks in your house opt for natural coconut water, fruit infused water, or homemade juices and smoothies. Keep a lot of fresh fruit, cut up veggies and dips like homemade hummus, or all natural popsicles instead of greasy chips, cookies, and sodas. Taking Juice Plus+ every day will also help to ensure that everyone is getting sufficient fruits, vegetables, and omegas so that the whole family can stay healthy and energized for all that summertime fun.
  2. Slather on the sunscreen. Look for a mineral-based physical sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your family from the intense summer sun. Mineral sunscreens reflect the damaging UVA and UVB rays from the skin and are non-toxic for both you, your kids, and the environment. They also start working instantly and don’t need 15-20 minutes to absorb like chemical sunscreens do. At Parker Dentistry Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness, we carry some amazing mineral sun protection products. Talk to Honi or Ivonne on your next visit to find out how we can help you protect yours and your family’s skin.
  3. Safety first! During the warm and free summertime months, kids are more likely to be out riding their bikes, rollerblading, skateboarding, and engaging in competitive sports. Make sure that everyone wears their helmets, mouth guards, and protective pads to avoid a trip to the emergency room and a major summer bummer.
  4. Stick to your oral hygiene routine. While summertime can bring about a more lax routine, don’t let that affect your oral hygiene routine. Even though you might stock your house with healthy and low-sugar snacks, it is inevitable that kids are going to consume more sugar during the summer when they are out with their friends, going to pool parties, and on family trips. It’s ok to indulge every now and then, just make sure that everyone is brushing and flossing twice a day. Summer vacation is also a great time to schedule cleaning!

Check out the below link for some easy, healthy, and kid-approved summertime snack ideas!

30 Kid-Friendly Summertime Snack Ideas

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