Keep Your Skin Quenched

Keeping your skin moisturized is one of the best practices you can implement into your daily skincare regimen. The key word here is regimen. Everyone needs one, and everyone’s is slightly different depending on age, sex, and skin type. However, there are several factors that are consistent across the board, and this includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin. Earlier this month, we discussed the importance of protecting your skin from the sun and some revolutionary products to help you do so. We discussed a great monthly way to treat your skin to a deep clean, exfoliation, and supplementation through a HydraFacial. Now, it only seems that the next progressive step would be to talk about moisturizers and their important role in your daily regimen.

It is safe to say that there are thousands of different moisturizers on the market today. There are ones for every specific skin type and combination, and every budget and personal preference. It is also safe to say that not all brands are created equally. The same way that we consider the quality of foods, beverages, and supplements that we put into our bodies, we should consider what we put onto our bodies. Products that are researched-based and produced from the highest quality and reputable sources don't necessarily have to be in the top price bracket and out of reasonable reach. Parker Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness offers some of the best products on the market to cater to your specific skin needs and financial means.

The immediate result of moisturized skin is that it makes your skin look healthier, smoother, and more visually flawless. When your skin is moisturized, water is locked in and is prevented from evaporating due to heat and wind. On the long term front, when skin is moisturized it is able to perform at its highest capacity. Healthy skin cells can more rapidly repair themselves and turn over fresh cells. This continuous process is huge in the anti-aging future of your skin. It is proven that those with moisturized skin develop wrinkles at a much slower rate than those that have dry and flakey skin. Moisturizing your skin might be one of the easiest things you can do; plus it feels absolutely amazing and refreshing.

Parker Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness is pretty much your one stop shop to hydrated and happy skin. Ivonne is your personal guide to the road to putting your best face forward. Whether you want a daily moisturizer with a SPF, an ultra sheer moisturizer, a rejuvenating moisturizer, or a replenishing hydrating cream, we've got you've covered. Dry skin, oily skin, combination skin...there is something for everyone. A daily moisturizer is vital for all skin types! Regular maintenance is easier and more cost effective than trying to fix an established issued. Why not come in for a consultation and HydraFacial and see what we have to offer your skin?

Healthcare is an inside and outside consistent process. When you have the right support and the right products, it easily just becomes a second nature habit. If you protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, stay internally hydrated, treat your skin to services like a HydraFacial, and stay moisturized, you'll be surprised at the resilience of your skin and the potential for a long lasting youthful appearance. In combination with other healthy practice and nutrition, you are as close as you are going to get to the fountain of youth.

Continue to stay tuned this month, as we continue with basic skincare insight to help keep you glowing on the outside the same way you are glowing on the inside. Thanks for sharing a smile with us this week! Stay fresh, protected, hydrated, and moisturized! 

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