Juice Plus+ Garden Blend Review: Is Your Family Getting Enough Greens?

While our intentions might be good, sometimes life gets in the way of us eating enough fruits and vegetables every single day. Our diet might not always be exactly what our bodies need and that’s okay, no one is perfect. Some days we might eat enough fruit, but not enough vegetables, or vice versa. But what if there was a way to get eleven essential vegetables (including two grains and one fruit) in your body in a matter of seconds and with next to no effort other than putting two capsules in your hand, moving your hand to your mouth, and swallowing? 

Juice Plus’s Garden Blend is just that. The Garden Blend contains broccoli, parsley, tomato, carrot, garlic, beet, spinach, cabbage, oat bran, rice bran, and kale. Are you eating all of that daily? These powerhouse vegetables, fruits, and grains have extraordinary benefits to your body. While taking Juice Plus+ doesn’t mean that you can skip eating fruits and vegetables all together, it does help supplement your diet and help make sure that your body is getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that it needs. 

Your diet is one of the most important factors that plays into your overall health and wellness. It is something that we have complete control over yet many of us have a diet that is lacking in some of the essentials. What you put into your body affects every part of your body, and same goes for what you don’t put into your body. In combination with the Orchid Blend, you can add the vitamins and nutrients from 30 fruits, vegetables, and grains to your daily diet with no more thought than just remembering to take it. 

Here are some of the health benefits a few of the key vegetables in the Garden Blend reward your body when ingested. 

Broccoli: (A Parker family favorite) is an excellent source of vitamin C and K, folic acid, and potassium. The nutrients in broccoli are key for supporting collagen production, bone health, and your immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals, which damage the body and contribute to early signs of aging. 

Spinach: (A true superfood) is loaded with zinc, protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, and manganese. Spinach is especially good for your skin and teeth! 

Kale: (A hearty dark green) is high in iron, vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, and calcium. Kale also promotes cardiovascular health and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Remember, inflammation is the root of most chronic diseases. 

Garlic: (Safe guards you from vampires) has been linked to reducing blood pressure, risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, certain cancers, and even the common cold. 

Beets: (You definitely want this in your daily diet) are full of essential minerals that are important for healthy nerve and muscle function, as well as promoting healthy bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Beets are also very high in antioxidants and beneficial to your immune system. 

If you’d like to learn more about Juice Plus’s Garden Blend, talk to Dr. Blake or Honi. Remember, you are what you eat! 

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